Spay/Neuter contributes to pets living longer, healthier lives.

There are many good reasons to spay and neuter and we think the best reason is to reduce pet overpopulation – too many pets and not enough homes. If too many pets are born, the next logical step to reduce pet overpopulation is to prevent births. That is part of MN SNAP’s Mission!

  • Neutering male cats and dogs decreases urine odor and marking behaviors.
  • Neutering male dogs decreases the tendency of roaming and aggression.
  • Spay/Neuter decreases the risk of dog bites.
  • Spay/Neuter pets decreases behavioral problems.
  • Spay surgery eliminates messy and annoying heat cycles.
  • Spay/neuter reduces the number of pets killed in shelters.
Other benefits include:
  • Health benefits for female pets include the prevention of mammary tumors, life-threatening pyometra (infected uterus), and uterine cancer in rabbits.
  • Health benefits for male pets include the prevention and treatment of testicular cancer and prostatitis.
  • The cost of your pet’s spay/neuter surgery is less than the cost of caring for a litter or the cost of veterinary treatment for injuries resulting from roaming or fighting.
  • Animal control resources are maximized with fewer stray animals and dog bites, resulting in a savings of tax-payer dollars.

It isn’t necessary for your pet to have a litter of puppies or kittens in order to teach your children about the miracle of birth, or to benefit your pet’s health or behavior.

MN SNAP recommends the many books, videos, and other materials available to assist in educating children about birth.


